Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Happy Women's Day and Other Such Sexist BS!

Since morning I have received multiple "Happy Women's Day" messages. 

I cringe every year when I see these messages. It is sexist to have this day in the first place and absolutely ignorant to perpetuate this ridiculousness.  

Please stop wishing me Happy Women's day. The fact that we need to have such a day says a lot. Every day is men's day. I don't want one measly day.

I want basic human rights such as not fearing for my safety, access to public toilets and some respect. Oh and not being killed in the womb or have acid thrown at me will be nice too.

I want equal pay and no glass ceiling. I want molesters and rapists to live in fear and not the victims.

I want the right to decide when and how many children to have and if I don’t want any not be judged for it. I AM MORE THAN MY REPRODUCTIVE CAPABILITY.

I want to decide what to wear instead of being hidden away under burkhas and ghunghats.
I want to claim the night and roam as I please without perpetually looking over my shoulder.
I want to run without feeling self-conscious about how men are looking at my breasts.
I want to be as free as men.

When that happens, we won’t have a need to celebrate this day anymore.

When this happens half of humanity will truly be happy. Sorry Womanity!

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